Expo Hannover 2000

Bienvenidos a Mexico/Welcome to Mexico | Wilkommen zur Weltausstellung | Anfitriones/Hosts | Pabellon Mexicano/Mexican Pavillion | Colegas/Collegues | Party Alarm! | Video | Paises/Countries | Links

Bienvenidos al sitio no-oficial del Pabellon de Mexico en la Expo Hannover 2000!

Welcome to the non-official website of the Mexican Pavillion in the Hannover 2000 World Exposition!



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Please leave your comments in the guestbook so we can keep in touch.

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Aqui encontraran informacion relacionada a los expocimenes que tuvieron que "trabajar" y vivir en esta gran experiencia conocida como Weltausstellung.

Here you will find information related to the people who had to "work" and live in this great experience known as Weltausstellung.


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Questions, suggestions or comments to: